Thursday, May 9, 2013

Hypnoenergetics® and our Emotional Landscape

             Previously I introduced the Four Dimensions (Emotional Landscape, Physical Being, Spiritual Being and Energy Field) and this time I highlight  how Hypnoenergetics® addresses our Emotional Landscape.
The emotional landscape is the traditional dimension used in hypnotherapy and psychology. Both modalities involve CBT, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, and other “talking” therapies. CBT therapies are also used in Hypnoenergetics® in both the conscious state and in a trance/subconscious state. (See March post for more on the Trance State) but Hypnoenergetics® also recognises that any trauma is held energetically within the subconscious.

Energetic trauma (but it could also be happy memories) are bound by three elements: the event, the emotion or feeling at the time of the event and the belief created or held as a result of the event. These energetic triangles may live in our subconscious as known memories or hidden memories. The sides of this energetic triangle also act as sensors or triggers to reengage the full triangle. For example, an event later in life could trigger the whole memorised triangle bringing up the same feelings as an event from childhood, complete with the same beliefs.  For example, a break up in a relationship could trigger the same feelings of abandonment  experienced as a child when a parent left which resulted in the child feeling unlovable.

During a hypnoenergetics® session the source of the triangle is found. The event is explored. Beliefs are challenged and replaced with beliefs that serve the client. The client is facilitated into discovering their own alternative beliefs which serve them. Negative feelings are removed. To ensure no vacuum exists to suck those negative feelings back in again positive feelings are substituted. Once again positive feelings chosen by the client are used. The event is redefined and reframed as something that has taught a valuable life lesson.

Using the above example, a possible session could look like this: the childhood event (parent leaving) is found in trance; The “unlovable” belief is challenged and to one of being lovable; The feeling of abandonment is removed and replaced with love and acceptance; and the childhood event is redefined and seen as parents with their own stuff happening and they were doing the best they could at the time. The energy of the triangle has been transformed on all three sides.
Of course I don’t want to give away all the good stuff here. To start your journey into the powerhouse of your subconscious, Hypnoenergetics® session.

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