Monday, February 25, 2013

Our Subconscious Powerhouse

If you have blocks that stop you achieving your goals, then it is time to invest in a hypnotherapy session. You’ll be amazed at how much more you’ll be able to achieve.

Hypnotherapy is excellent at addressing issues in the subconscious. Issues that work against us. The Hypnoenergetics® approach addresses the issue holistically by acknowledging  all dimensions of the human existence, not just the traditional emotional landscape usually addressed by hypnotherapy. Hypnoenergetics® takes into account the physical presence (the body and physical symptoms), the deeper wisdom within (called the soul or spirit) and the energy field of each person.

All these dimensions are accessible during hypnotic trance. As science is proving that everything is energy in various forms of vibrational frequencies, it makes sense to address the blocks and issues from the understanding of energy. Everything we’ve ever experienced felt or believed is stored in our subconscious. Our subconscious is an energetic storage facility. It is timeless. Experiences, feelings and beliefs are stored with exactly the same energetic charge (negative or positive) as the first time they were stored. Thus, a trauma experienced at age 5, for example, will still have the same intensity of charge as the day it happened. This energetic charge is bound by a triangle consisting of an event, a feeling and a belief. The combination of the three will determine the negative or positive charge and whether the experience serves the client or not.

All adult rationalising of a passed event, understanding it and “dealing with it” via the conscious mind, fails to deal with all the triangles sides. Hypnoenergetics® helps the client locate these energetic stores, identify the triangle sides and through therapeutic interventions reframes and recalibrates the frequency of the energetic charge of the triangle. In simplistic terms, negative energy is replaced with positive energy. And because we are working in the timelessness of the subconscious the recalibration done in trance back at the age 5 the energy is recalibrated for the adult.

Besides all this talk about energy shifting, good solid counseling and therapy methods are used to facilitate a client through uncovering their issue and healing. With hypnoenergetics® sessions a client is not left open and raw with a “Time’s up! See you next week.” Sessions are allowed to come to a natural conclusion when the energy has shifted to allow the client leave the chair feeling differently about their issue. Sometimes big energy shifts occur and sometimes small. This is also why sessions are not one hour long.

Therapy continues to work in the following days or even months after the session. Sometimes the effects are subtle where a few months down the road you realise, “I don’t do that anymore!” The opposite effect may also happen where the change feels like a punch in the stomach – metaphorically speaking. Hypnoenergetics® follows the client with whatever presents in a session.

To start your journey into the powerhouse of your subconscious make enquiries with Clare Nathan  who uses the hypnoeregetics® approach.

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