Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Trance State and the Subconscious

Last time I mentioned the Four Dimensions the Hypnoenergetics® approach to hypnotherapy considers: the Emotional Landscape, Physical Presence, Spiritual Being and a person’s Energy Field. Before I elaborate on the dimensions I need to talk about the subconscious and hypnotic trance, or the state of suggestibility.
What is a hypnotic trance? To understand what a trance state is we first need to understand what total consciousness is. Active, or focussed consciousness is a state where brainwave activity operates, and is measured using EEG, in a frequency range of 12-35Hz and is called the beta range. Any brainwave frequency below 12Hz constitutes a hypnotic trance. The lower the frequency the deeper the trance and the more open the person is to suggestion. The lower the frequency the greater the access is to the subconsciousness.
It is also interesting to note that creativity and the ability to be engrossed in learning also fall below the beta frequency.
The deepest state, known as delta (0.5-4Hz), is unconscious sleep. Dreams are the subconscious’ way of communicating and recalling dreams is the subconscious communicating with the conscious mind.
In between these two states, beta and delta, there are two states very important to hypnotherapy: Alpha (8-12Hz) is where most hypnotherapy takes place and is usually experienced as calm consciousness; Theta (4-8Hz) is the deep hypnotic state required for deep healing hypnotherapy.
Relaxation is the most common way to slow down brainwaves to help a client achieve a trance state. Emotional states already have a client in a trance state because their brainwave frequency is within the alpha range and hypnotherapy work can commence immediately.
The conscious mind thinks it is 100% in control. In truth its control is about 10%. The tip of the iceberg. It is the subconscious mind, the other 90% which holds the real power. The conscious mind is characterised by linear processing which involves time. The conscious mind has access to known memories. Our conscious mind is extremely important in keeping us safe and allowing us to operate in our physical world.
The subconscious mind operates on what I call “dream logic”. While dreaming, illogical scenes make perfect sense. It is only in the wakeful, conscious state when we try to relate or recall our dreams that scenes become illogical. The language of the subconscious is imagination. Imagination is used extensively in hypnotherapy.
The subconscious mind operates in timelessness and has access to forgotten memories, hidden memories, immortal memories (or soul memories) and the collective memory of the collective unconsciousness. This powerhouse of energetically stored wisdom and knowledge is accessible through Hypnoenegetics®. Wisdom within yourself and beyond is available for healing and understanding.